Photo gallery

Jun 06, 2024 -- Happy birthday for Augustine!

May 19, 2024 -- Celebration in Dr. Li's house. Congrats for Shang and Yawei, welcome for Prisca!

Apr 30, 2024 -- Happy B-day, Yawei! We enjoyed the delicious fresh homemade dumplings by Dr. Li’s parents and a beautiful cake (not sweet) by Yiming.

Mar 27, 2024 -- Happy birthday! Dr.Li!

Mar 21, 2024 -- 2024 Graduate Research Annual Forum, Shubhra and Augustine with their posters.

Feb 03, 2024 -- Yiming did a workshop about lncRNA and we enjoyed the Middle Eastern cuisine.

Nov 09-12, 2023 -- Dr. Li, Shang and Yawei in the SBUR meeting at San Antonio. Dr. Li made a presentation related to Bone Microenvironment on 11.11. And Yawei was honored the TRAVEL AWARD. Congratulations!

Oct 27, 2023 -- We're in 2023 Larry . Gentry Fall Research Forum. And Yawei, Shubhra, Augustin made the presentation.

Oct 13, 2023 -- Yawei with his poster. Yawei got the ASBMR travel award. Nice work!

Oct 10, 2023 -- Celebrating for our lab new article has been published on Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research.

Oct 01, 2023 -- Shang introduced Rstudio and some basic codes for us. Thank you, Shang!

Jul 24, 2023 -- Seeing Ruihua off. May all your wishes come true!

Jul 22, 2023 -- Celebrating for Shang's new house and thanking Ruihua for her work and contributions over the years.

Oct 29, 2022 -- Celebrating for Shang's application for the Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) Prostate Cancer Research Program (PCRP) Exploration Award was recommended for funding at Dr. Li's new house in Toledo! Well done, Shang!

Beautiful! The amazing visualization of cell cycle! Well-done, Shang!

Nov 25, 2021 -- Li Lab and Chen Lab have a joint Thanksgiving celebration in Grand Rapids!

Jul 01, 2021 -- Celebration for the first anniversary of Li lab at UT. Keep going, everybody!

Jun 16, 2021 -- Dr. Li is working on mice.

Jun 04, 2021 -- The last-day celebration for Alex on her lab rotation. Well done, Alex!

May 27, 2021 -- The Li lab version of Watson and Crick! (o゚v゚)ノ

Nov 05, 2020 -- Fueling tomorrow and creating a better world!

Sep 30, 2020 -- Li lab's Hotpot celebration for grant submission!

July 1, 2020 -- The first group photo of Li lab @ UT!