Carpe Diem

  • 05.13.2024Shang got a new offer

    Shang officially signed the offer letter from Louisiana State U. Congrats that Shang became an assistant professor! Wish him well in his career.
  • 05.13.2024Prisca joined!

    After rotation, Prisca joined our lab, welcome Prisca!
  • 04.15.2024Yawei's paper was accepted by JCI

    “Androgen receptor splice variants drive castration-resistant prostate cancer metastasis by activating distinct transcriptional programs” was accepted by JCI. Yawei is the co-first author. A great collaboration between us and Dr. Changmeng Cai, U. Mass. Boston. Congrats to all authors!
  • 04.12.2024Review paper on Cancer Lett

    The review paper titled “Unveiling Cancer Dormancy: Intrinsic Mechanisms and Extrinsic Forces” was accepted by Cancer Lett. Ruihua, Yawei, and Shang shared the 1st authors. Congrats to all authors!
  • 11.17.2023DOD grants

    We got three DOD grants! That's great! Keep going next year.
  • 11.09.2023The SBUR 2023 Annual Meeting.

    SBUR meeting was held on 11.09-11.12 this year. Dr. Li made a presentation on 11.11. Congrats to Yawei for being honored with Travel Award.
  • 10.11.2023Yawei got the ASBMR travel award!

    Yawei's poster was selected for the plenary presentation at ASBMR annual meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Oct. 13-16. Very nice work, congrats Yawei!
  • 10.11.2023Ruihua and Shang's article online!

    An article about cancer cell dormancy has been published on Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research. Congratulations!
  • 10.01.2023Shang organized the Bioinformatic workshop for our lab!

    Shang introduced Rstudio and some basic codes for us. This is our first workshop. Looking forward to more in the future.
  • 7.17.2023Yiming joined!

    Yiming joins the lab as a Research Assistant. Welcome!
  • 7.1.2023Shang was promoted!

    Shang was promoted to Research Assistant Professor. Congratulations! Wish everything goes well with your work.
  • 5.22.2023Ian joined!

    MD/PhD student Ian Berlin chose Li lab for his summer rotation. He will spend six weeks in Li lab. Welcome Ian!
  • 5.15.2023Shubhra and Augustine onboard!

    PhD students Shubhra Dey and Augustine Kwabil officially joined Li lab on May 15, 2023. It is exciting to have you both in our team!
  • 3.26.2023Yawei's PTH1R review paper online!

    A review on PTHrP/PTH1R signaling led by Yawei is now online on Cancers. Congrats Yawei!
  • 1.17.2023Augustine joined!

    Augustine Kwabil, CAB track Ph.D student, starts his 7-wk rotation in the lab. Welcome, Augustine!
  • 12.15.2022Shang presented a poster at 12th AACR-JCA meeting

    Shang attended the 12th AACR-JCA joint meeting in Maui, Hawaii from 12/10 to 12/14 and presented a poster on mitochondria project.
  • 10.28.2022Recommended for funding!

    Shang's application for the Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) Prostate Cancer Research Program (PCRP) Exploration Award was recommended for funding! Fantastic job and congratulations, Shang!
  • 10.18.2022Shubhra joined!

    Dey, Shubhra Kanti, CAB track Ph.D student, starts his 7-wk rotation in the lab. Welcome, Shubhra!
  • 11.15.2021Welcome Jaya!

    CAB track Ph.D student, Jaya Bhandari, starts his 5-wks' rotation in the lab.
  • 10.29.2021Accepted!

    Our paper, "Enzalutamide-induced and PTH1R-mediated TGFBR2 degradation in osteoblasts confers resistance in prostate cancer bone metastases", was just accepted for publication in Cancer Letters. Cheers!
  • 10.22.2021Shang is awarded outstanding postdoctoral fellow! Congratulations, Shang!

    Shang was just awarded the “Excellence Award for Outstanding Postdoctoral Fellow Achievement in Cancer Biology”!
  • 5.10.2021Alex joined Li lab for rotation. Welcome Alex!

    Cancer Biology Track MD/PhD student Alexandra Yungblut joined Li lab for her summer rotation.
  • 3.3.2021Review paper published online on Cancers today!!! Cheers!

    Congrats for our first paper in UT, regarding the single-cell techniques in cancer metastasis studies.
  • 2.22.2021Vineeth joined Li lab as a research volunteer. Welcome Vineeth!

    Vineeth Atluru joins Li lab to conduct volunteer research.
  • 12.2020Logan joined Li lab for undergraduate lab research course. Welcome Logan!

    Medical student Logan P Van Poucke joins Li lab for his undergraduate lab research course.
  • 10.05.2020Emily joined Li lab for rotation. Welcome Emily!

    MOME track MS student Emily Crowe will get her first rotation in Li lab from 10/5 to 11/6.
  • 07.01.2020First day of Li lab in UT!

    Packages from VAI arrive! The Li Lab in UT College of Medicine and Life Sciences is open for running! Welcome to drop by in person or virtually.
  • 06.29.2020Farewell VAI

    All stuff packed up. Lab area is quiet. Farewell! We will miss the people in VAI.
  • 03.2020Yawei joined the lab, welcome!

    Yawei Zhao will work on intermittant fasting effect on cancer bone metastasis and drug resistance.
  • 09.27.2020Shang presented at CSHL meeting

    Shang made an oral presentation on enzalutamide resistance in prostate cancer bone metastasis in CSHL meeting.
  • 05.06.2019Shang and Maggie Joined the lab, Welcome!

    New force!!!
  • 04.19.2019Dr. Li awarded a R01 grant!

    Dr. Li received a 5-year R01 funding support from NIH on the project "Influence of bone microenvironment on drug resistance in prostate cancer bone metastasis". The proposal got a score of 6%. Congrats to Dr. Li and Li lab!